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Write a CV that really, and I mean really, represents you!


Updated: May 16, 2023

For many, writing their CV is the first step of the unnerving journey that is finding a new role. Whether it is updating an existing CV or writing a brand new one there are a number of things you need to consider and it is likely that you have never been shown how to write a CV and make it standout. However, it should not be as daunting as perhaps people make out.

Write a CV to get you job interviews

The CV is a sales tool, a summary of your experience and achievements designed to spark enough interest from a potential employer that they want to interview you. Once in the interview it's all down to you, so when it comes to writing a CV think of it as an introduction, not as the golden ticket that will get you the job.


First of all, think about all your achievements relevant to the roles that you are applying for. Your achievements are evidence to any potential employer that you can do the job you have applied for so make sure they are your biggest and best! Even if you are embarking on a career change there will be experience and achievements that are relevant to your new direction so make sure they are included.

Structure is also important and here are some simple rules you should follow:

  • Name and contact details at the top (don't write 'Curriculum Vitae', it takes up valuable space)

  • Education followed by Experience starting with your most recent job and moving backwards chronologically to the earliest relevant job

  • For each job make sure you have listed both your responsibilities and achievements. Try to make your achievements are quantifiable, e.g. cost savings in pounds, growth in percentage etc

  • Don't limit yourself to a specific number of pages. Some people have more to talk about than others, depending on experience. Just be mindful that an average recruiter spends less than 10 seconds reading a CV for the first time.

  • FORMAT AND SPELL CHECK your CV before applying for any roles!


Ultimately the CV is yours and you should be comfortable with it and what it says about you. If you want to include a summary at the top, or anything else for that matter, that is up to you, just make sure it promotes your experience and achievements relevant to the role you are applying for.

Finally, the CV is should be edited and developed so review it often to make sure it is relevant to any and all the jobs you apply for.

If you are not sure if you have created a CV which represents you effectively then please take advantage of our CV Review service or book yourself into one of the CV workshops.



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